The Best Teams and Organizations are 100% IN
I've been thinking lately about areas where everyone in an organization or on a team must be 100% "IN." There's no room for partial involvement when iit comes to any of these areas:
1. Trust
2. Loyalty
3. Commitment
4. Truthfulness
This list is just to stimulate your thinking and get you started. I encourage you to add to this list and come up with your own. The size of your list is not the important thing; the important thing -- and power of this list -- is that it includes those things that will have the most impact on the success of your organization.
Once we have established our list, we must make sure everyone understands it, internalizes it, and executes it every day. It is critical that everyone is on the same page on every component.
Good luck building your list. And do me a favor -- if you come up with more that belong on this list, please e-mail me at